Senior Corporate Engagement Manager

Permanent employee, Full or part-time · United Kingdom Remote

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Role Summary
ProVeg International works to normalise and advance the protein transition and adoption of plant-rich diets through influencing the food industry, with the end goal of transforming the food selection in supermarkets and on menus to be more in line with healthy, sustainable diets.
Working closely with the Director of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement, you will build a strategy to encourage pre-competitive collaboration between food companies to drive forward progress on the protein transition. You will be responsible for cultivating relationships with UK food companies (particularly retailers and foodservice providers), positioning ProVeg as a trusted partner, strategy adviser and solutions provider on healthy, sustainable diets and protein diversification. You will also own and maintain our International Corporate Engagement toolkit, and provide corporate engagement support to the ProVeg network as needed (e.g., planning and running events and webinars).

With a thorough understanding of how food businesses operate, and a demonstrable background in effecting change within the food industry, you’ll be an experienced relationship builder, a driven and enthusiastic self-starter, and an excellent project manager.
Job Details
Job title: Senior Corporate Engagement Manager
Reporting to: Directo
r of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement
Direct reports: None
Location: Remote (home-based), UK
Hours: 32 - 40 hours per week
Salary: Depending on experience, between £43-46,000 (based on 40 hour/week)
  • Lead international corporate engagement, with a particular focus on retail and foodservice providers.
  • Work closely with the Director of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement, develop a creative 3-year international corporate engagement strategy and draft annual and quarterly objectives and key results.
  • Plan and run corporate engagements events (e.g., roundtables, webinars) in collaboration with internal departments and external partners.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with UK food companies.
  • Identify where ProVeg can add value to existing coalitions and programmes focused on the protein transition.
  • Represent ProVeg International at B2B events focused on healthy, sustainable diets, food systems transformation, and protein transition.
  • Manage communications with corporate partners and stakeholders, working closely with the B2B comms lead.
  • Contribute to bids for funding (corporate, institutional) led by the International and UK Development teams.
  • Work closely with the research team, contribute to insight generation (surveys, reports, etc.) for corporate engagement activities.
  • Work with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Research team to develop tools and assessments to monitor the UK and international protein transition progress against objectives.
  • Keep an eye on relevant food policy and regulations, together with the UK and EU Policy Managers, and incorporate advice and actions into the Corporate Engagement strategy.
  • 5+ years of experience working in or with the food industry.
  • A track record of working to bring about change within food businesses.
  • Experience organising and facilitating engaging and impactful online and in-person events for food companies.
  • Excellent project management and organisational skills with the ability to lead and work collaboratively.
  • Significant experience in developing and maintaining strong stakeholder relationships.
  • Strategic and impact-driven.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including effective listening, influencing and negotiation skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including confident demeanour and experience in engaging with a diverse range of food industry stakeholders. 
  • Willingness to travel nationally, and within Europe where required (estimated once every 1-2 months).
  • Passion for and commitment to ProVeg's mission.

  • Existing network within the UK food industry.
  • Previous experience of facilitating pre-competitive collaboration between food companies.
  • Direct experience of advising companies on sustainability and/or nutrition, and knowledge and understanding of the plant-based food sector.
Benefits of working with us
  • A strong organisational focus on personal development, with a designated training budget.
  • Provision of a work laptop.
  • Flexible, trust-based working arrangements and home-office arrangements.
  • Career development support.
  • Mindfulness programme - free Headspace account.
  • We are a workplace that encourages everyone to bring their whole selves to work. We are an inclusive workplace for our diverse employees around the world.
  • And, last but not least, become part of a great team and work with us towards a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet!
Application deadline: Open until filled
Start date: As soon as possible
Further information

Application process and timeline 

Your application should include a cover letter addressing your motivation and how you meet the person specification criteria and a CV. Please submit your application in English using our online form, and tell us how you found this job ad. ( Thank you!

The upcoming steps include:

  1. Online Cognitive Aptitude Test and a Personality Test.

  2. A first online interview with the People & Culture team.

  3. Online trial task.

  4. A second interview with the hiring manager.

Diversity Statement

ProVeg is committed to equal employment opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion, colour, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, refugee background, genetic information, disability, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, HIV status, gender identity, or gender expression. People of colour, women, people with disabilities, people from LGBTQIA+ communities, elderly people, refugees and people living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply. 

About us

ProVeg International is a food awareness organisation working to transform the global food system by replacing 50% of animal products globally with plant-based and cultivated foods by 2040.

ProVeg engages with all relevant stakeholders to create a food system where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet.

ProVeg has received the United Nations’ Momentum for Change Award and works closely with key UN food and environment agencies. 

ProVeg creates global impact, with offices in 12 countries across four continents and more than 200 employees. 

Data Protection Information for Applicants
More information about the processing of your personal data during your application at ProVeg e.V. can be found here in German and English. If you are applying at ProVeg INT, more Information can be found here, available in German and English.
ProVeg International works to normalise and advance the protein transition and adoption of plant-rich diets through influencing the food industry, with the end goal of transforming the food selection in supermarkets and on menus to be more in line with healthy, sustainable diets.
Working closely with the Director of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement, you will build a strategy to encourage pre-competitive collaboration between food companies to drive forward progress on the protein transition. You will be responsible for cultivating relationships with UK food companies (particularly retailers and foodservice providers), positioning ProVeg as a trusted partner, strategy adviser and solutions provider on healthy, sustainable diets and protein diversification. You will also own and maintain our International Corporate Engagement toolkit, and provide corporate engagement support to the ProVeg network as needed (e.g., planning and running events and webinars).

With a thorough understanding of how food businesses operate, and a demonstrable background in effecting change within the food industry, you’ll be an experienced relationship builder, a driven and enthusiastic self-starter, and an excellent project manager.
Infos zur Stelle
Job title: Senior Corporate Engagement Manager
Reporting to: Director of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement
Direct reports: None
Location: Remote (home-based), UK
Hours: 32 - 40 hours per week
Salary: Depending on experience, between £43-46,000 (based on 40 hour/week)

  • Lead international corporate engagement, with a particular focus on retail and foodservice providers.
  • Work closely with the Director of Partnerships and Institutional Engagement, develop a creative 3-year international corporate engagement strategy and draft annual and quarterly objectives and key results.
  • Plan and run corporate engagements events (e.g., roundtables, webinars) in collaboration with internal departments and external partners.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with UK food companies.
  • Identify where ProVeg can add value to existing coalitions and programmes focused on the protein transition.
  • Represent ProVeg International at B2B events focused on healthy, sustainable diets, food systems transformation, and protein transition.
  • Manage communications with corporate partners and stakeholders, working closely with the B2B comms lead.
  • Contribute to bids for funding (corporate, institutional) led by the International and UK Development teams. 
  • Work closely with the research team, contribute to insight generation (surveys, reports, etc.) for corporate engagement activities.
  • Work with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and Research team to develop tools and assessments to monitor the UK and international protein transition progress against objectives.
  • Keep an eye on relevant food policy and regulations, together with the UK and EU Policy Managers, and incorporate advice and actions into the Corporate Engagement strategy.
  • 5+ years of experience working in or with the food industry.
  • A track record of working to bring about change within food businesses.
  • Experience organising and facilitating engaging and impactful online and in-person events for food companies.
  • Excellent project management and organisational skills with the ability to lead and work collaboratively.
  • Significant experience in developing and maintaining strong stakeholder relationships.
  • Strategic and impact-driven.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including effective listening, influencing and negotiation skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, including confident demeanour and experience in engaging with a diverse range of food industry stakeholders. 
  • Willingness to travel nationally, and within Europe where required (estimated once every 1-2 months).
  • Passion for and commitment to ProVeg's mission.
  • Existing network within the UK food industry.
  • Previous experience of facilitating pre-competitive collaboration between food companies.
  • Direct experience of advising companies on sustainability and/or nutrition, and knowledge and understanding of the plant-based food sector.
Unser Angebot
  • A strong organisational focus on personal development, with a designated training budget.
  • Provision of a work laptop.
  • Flexible, trust-based working arrangements and home-office arrangements.
  • Career development support.
  • Mindfulness programme - free Headspace account.
  • We are a workplace that encourages everyone to bring their whole selves to work. We are an inclusive workplace for our diverse employees around the world.
  • And, last but not least, become part of a great team and work with us towards a world where everyone chooses delicious and healthy food that is good for all humans, animals, and our planet!
Application deadline: Open until filled
Start date: As soon as possible
Weitere Informationen
Application process and timeline 
Your application should include a cover letter addressing your motivation and how you meet the person specification criteria and a CV. Please submit your application in English using our online form, and tell us how you found this job ad. ( Thank you!

The upcoming steps include:
  1. Screening of your application.
  2. Online trial task.
  3. Online test.
  4. A second interview with the hiring manager.

Diversity Statement
ProVeg is committed to equal employment opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion, colour, sex, age, national origin or ancestry, refugee background, genetic information, disability, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, HIV status, gender identity, or gender expression. People of colour, women, people with disabilities, people from LGBTQIA+ communities, elderly people, refugees and people living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply.
Über uns

ProVeg International ist eine Ernährungsorganisation, die sich für die Transformation des globalen Ernährungssystems einsetzt. Unsere Mission ist, bis 2040 weltweit 50 % der Tierprodukte durch pflanzliche und kultivierte Nahrungsmittel zu ersetzen.

ProVeg arbeitet mit allen relevanten Akteuren am Übergang zu einem Ernährungssystem, in dem sich alle für genussvolles und gesundes Essen entscheiden, das gut für alle Menschen, Tiere und unseren Planeten ist.

ProVeg hat den „Momentum for Change“-Preis der Vereinten Nationen erhalten und arbeitet eng mit den wichtigsten UN-Organisationen für Ernährung und Umwelt zusammen.

Wir haben den Status eines Ständigen Beobachters der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) und dem Weltklimarat (IPCC) sowie beratenden Status beim Wirtschafts- und Sozialrat der Vereinten Nationen (ECOSOC). Zudem sind wir bei der UN-Weltversammlung (UNEA) akkreditiert.

Mit Büros in 12 Ländern auf 4 Kontinenten und mehr als 200 Mitarbeitenden erzielt ProVeg eine globale Wirkung. 

Diversity Statement

ProVeg verpflichtet sich zur Chancengleichheit bei der Beschäftigung für alle, unabhängig von ethnischer Herkunft, Religion, Hautfarbe, Geschlecht, Alter, nationaler Herkunft oder Abstammung, Geflüchtetenhintergrund, genetischer Informationen, Behinderung, Familienstand, elterlichem Status, Schwangerschaft, sexueller Orientierung, HIV-Status, Geschlechtsidentität oder Geschlechtsausdruck. People of Colour, Frauen, Menschen mit Behinderung, Mitglieder von LGBTQIA+ Communities, ältere Menschen, Geflüchtete und Menschen die mit HIV leben werden ausdrücklich ermutigt, sich zu bewerben. 

Im Jahr 2020 hat ProVeg die Charta der Vielfalt unterzeichnet, eine Selbstverpflichtung und ein Verein, der sich für ein vorurteilsfreies Arbeitsumfeld einsetzt. 

Seit Juli 2021 nimmt ProVeg am Projekt Inklupreneur teil und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, neun inklusive Stellen in den nächsten drei Jahren zu schaffen. 

Im Jahr 2022 hat ProVeg beim PRIDE Index, dem LGBTIQ+ Diversity Performance Index, 88,1 % erreicht und liegt damit über 20 Prozentpunkte über dem Gesamtdurchschnitt von 67,9 %. 

Datenschutzhinweise für Bewerber:innen
Mehr Informationen über die Verarbeitung deiner personenbezogenen Daten als Bewerber:in bei ProVeg e.V. erhältst du hier auf Deutsch und auf Englisch. Für Bewerbungen bei ProVeg International findest du die Informationen hier auf Deutsch und auf Englisch.

Your application
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